Friday 9 May 2008

Curve art defying laws of gravity?

Barbican arts centre is supposedly the largest in UK to have all arts under one roof, so it was not a suprise to find chairs defying laws of gravity. Hans Schabus's Curve art is arguably one of those ideas he could have got from the kids playing around and might have overheard them fantasising about a vertical theatre or something. This might have been long coming, considering that his previous monumental installations include a flooded gallery filled with boats (The Rendezvous Problem, 2004)and some other crazy ideas like a mountain constructed over an existing building.

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His new commission NEXT TIME I'M HERE, I'LL BE THERE, Schabus has mounted 461 chairs onto the wall, (not floor) and to make it even more interesting, the wall is curving. According to the leaflet published on occasion of the exhibition, by Margit Emesz, The 80-metre semi-circular wall reflect that of a large aeroplane's floor, so i guess in the gallery, it showed the plane turning, hence the vertical bolting of chairs, which were borrowed from all over the Barbican's offices, stores, art spaces and backrooms. Teh arrangement is quite pleasing to the eye, with similar chairs arranged together with respect to colour and type, to imitate the seating of an aircraft.

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